Rilis SystemRescueCd 1.2.2
• 1 • 129
François Dupoux mengumumkan versi update SystemRescueCd, distribusi Live CD berbasis Gentoo dengan koleksi tool penyelamatan data dan pemartisi harddisk. Kutipan dari changelog:
Updated the standard kernels to Linux-; updated the alternative kernels to Linux-; updated the sysresccd-cleansys script with the new packages list; updated Aufs to git-20090622 for Linux kernel 2.6.29 (standard kernels); updated FSArchiver to 0.5.8 (file systems backup and deployment tool); updated e2fsprogs to 1.41.7 (ext2, ext3, ext4 file system tools); added mtd-utils 20080907 (contains the tools related to ubifs); added macchanger 1.5.0 (change the mac address of an interface); updated NTFS-3G to version 2009.4.4-AR12 (NTFS-3G advanced release); PXE boot fix: allow thttpd to send files with the execution permission; added mdadm support in the initial boot process.
Unduh image Live CD dari SourceForge:
- systemrescuecd-x86-1.2.2.iso (235MB, MD5)