Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis SuperGamer Supreme 2

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Darin VanCoevering mengumumkan rilis SuperGamer Supreme 2, DVD dual-layer yang berisi games dan piranti lunak untuk kegiatan sehari-hari:

SuperGamerSuperGamer is a games-oriented Linux desktop operating system. It has all the normal Linux desktop applications such as the Firefox browser and OpenOffice.org, but also has a great many native Linux games added, as well as some demo editions of proprietary games. This SuperGamer Supreme 2 version will work on both 32-bit and 64-bit PCs and fills a full live dual-layer DVD. It includes support for Ethernet, wireless, and dial-up Internet connections. It can run in live mode directly from the DVD and can be optionally installed to a hard drive. I also included the latest NVIDIA and ATI drivers. A few key components are Linux kernel, Azureus, Audacity, GParted, Limewire, GIMP, K9copy….

Anda bisa membaca pengumuman rilis yang berisi daftar lengkap games yang ada didalam DVD.

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