Rilis Semplice Linux 2.0 RC1
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Eugenio Paolantonio mengumumkan ketersediaan kandidat rilis pertama Semplice Linux 2.0, distribusi ringan berbasis Debian cabang unstable dan menampilkan window manager Openbox:
The entire Semplice team is proud to announce the immediate release of the first release candidate of the upcoming 2.0 release. What’s new? As this is a release candidate, we focused on resolving bugs rather than adding new features. The Semplice live system contains Openbox 3.5.0, Linux kernel 3.1.4, Chromium 15.0.874.121, Exaile, GNOME MPlayer 1.0.4, AbiWord 2.9.1, Gnumeric 1.10.17, Pidgin 2.10.0, Guake terminal 0.4.2. Semplice Linux is a light, simple, fast and libre GNU/Linux distribution, based on Debian ‘Sid’, the ‘unstable’ branch of the Debian project. Because of its instability, Semplice Linux is not ideal for production systems.
Anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis dan catatan rilis untuk informasi lebih detail dan masalah yang sudah diketahui.
Unduh (MD5) image live CD yang dapat di install dari SourceForge:
- semplice_2.0rc_190.0.iso (557MB), semplice64_2.0rc_190.0.iso (556MB)