Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Scientific Linux 5.5

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Troy Dawson mengumumkan ketersediaan Scientific Linux 5.5, varian Red Hat Enterprise linux yang dikompilasi dari source code RHEL dan diberi tambahan paket piranti lunak ekstra, driver hardware dan fitur khusus lainnya:

Scientific LinuxScientific Linux 5.5 has been released for both i386 and x86_64 architectures. We have added gnuplot 4.2 as well as the iwlwifi 6000 ucode (firmware). The upstream vendor has also added FreeRADIUS 2 and PostgreSQL 8.4, as well as updated OpenOffice.org to 3.1.1. Scientific Linux release 5.5 is based on the rebuilding of RPMs out of SRPMs from Enterprise 5 Server and Client, including Update 5. It also has all errata and bug fixes up until the morning of May 18, 2010.

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