Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Quirky 1.1

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Barry Kauler mengumumkan rilis Quirky 1.1, update perbaiakn bug untuk distro Quirky 1.0 yang baru saja dirilis:

QuirkyI am pleased to announce the released of Quirky 1.1. Briefly, the main focus was to fix bugs in 1.0, but I also upgraded many applications. Most importantly, SeaMonkey has migrated from the 1.x series, after we solved some bugs with the 2.x series. JWM is now the default window manager and tray, as it is noticeably faster (and looks nicer) than Openbox/Fbpanel. Two show-stoppers were Ayttm and You2pup which did not work, both fixed. Release notes: The ‘xfontsel’ utility was missing although had a menu entry; upgrading (and rollbacks) of the X.Org drivers; Partview utility (to view free space in partitions) fixed for more than 11 partitions; Ayttm chat client did not work, upgraded and fixed….

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