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Rilis PelicanHPC 2.2 RC

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PelicanHPC, live CD berbasis Debian untuk cluster high performance computing yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama ParallelKnoppix, telah merilis build test baru:

PelicanHPC GNU LinuxVersion 2.2 release candidate is available (only for amd64). This release has many new features, thanks to Robert G. Petry. It is now possible to configure the frontend to boot without intervention, and to send wake-on-LAN packets to the nodes. There is a big list of new features, so test reports are welcome. New in this version: ~/pelican_config file to allow for persistence, customization and headless boot; autodetection of persistent frontend home; autodetection of frontend and node local scratch space; ability to run local scripts post boot and setup; node beep after boot; firewall; automated node booting using wake-on-lan; static IP assignment configurable using MAC addresses; node startup/shutdown script.

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