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Rilis Parted Magic 5.0

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Parted Magic 5.0 telah dirilis, distribusi utility Live CD yang didesain untuk mempartisi hard disk dan penyelamatan data hadir dengan kernel dan GParted baru selain juga dukungan yang lebih baik dalam internasionalisasi:

Parted MagicParted Magic 5.0 brings Linux kernel, significant international language support (German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese and Russian), X.Org Server 1.7.7, and GParted 0.6.1. All other program updates can be found on the change log page. I would like to give a big thanks to Dick Burggraaff for all of his contributions over the past couple of months. He has made many updates to the init scripts as well as the much improved Parted Magic keyboard program located on the desktop. Overall, many bugs have been fixed and this release is far better than anything in the 4.x releases for a large number of people.

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