Rilis openmamba GNU/Linux 2.0 Pre 3
• 1 • 164
Silvan Calarco mengumumkan bahwa build pra-rilis ketiga openmamba GNU/Linux 2.0, distribusi generik untuk netbooks, desktop, dan server siap untuk dicoba:
The third pre-release of openmamba milestone 2 is out with over 1,000 software updates. The system is based on Linux kernel and provides a modern desktop environment that includes, among others, KDE 4.5.3, 3.2, Firefox 3.6.12, Amarok 2.3.2. The openmamba distribution is available for PC (x86 compatible) in English, Italian and Spanish languages and it is distributed as ISO images in live CD, live DVD and live games flavours. The ISO image can be burned on a CD/DVD media or installed on a USB pen drive and used to boot a live system and install it. Users of the previous 2.0 pre-releases will receive a consistent upgrade from network to get aligned with the new release.
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Tautan cepat ke halaman Unduh (MD5) image Live DVD berbahasa Inggris: