Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Network Security Toolkit 2.13.0

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Paul Blankenbaker mengumumkan rilis Network Security Toolkit (NST) 2.13.0, distribusi Live DVD berbasis Fedora dengan koleksi perkakas yang didesain untuk melakukan tes keamanan jaringan:

Network Security ToolkitWe are pleased to announce the latest NST release: NST 13 (version 2.13.0) which is based on Fedora 13 using Linux kernel The release has focused on building a framework for the geolocation and rendering of network entities including the management and configuration of back-end geolocation methods and database repositories. Here are some of the highlights for this release: created a framework for geolocating network entities with NST; manage and configure the geolocation methods and database repositories; geolocate hosts discovered by ntop; geolocate IPv4 address conversations from a network packet capture….

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