Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis NetSecL 2.6

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Iuri Stanchev mengumumkan rilis NetSecL 2.6, sebuah distribusi berbasis Slackware yang diperkuat dengan proteksi GCC Stack Smashing dan berbagai fitur keamanan lainnya:

NetSecLNetSecL 2.6 released. In the new release you will find QEMU, servers and new penetration tools. We took our time to separate the usual network utilities and penetration tools and add them in a new section. Also, you will find that now we have a section called ‘srv’ with some server packages in it. There are many updates to the libraries and additional bindings to Perl and Python that we hope will be useful for future programs included with the distribution. You will also find in the distribution ISO a VMX file created with VMmanager which you can use for creating a virtual machine – mount the ISO copy the VMX folder, unmount the ISO (that you just copied), move it to the VMX folder and start it with VMware Player.

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