Rilis Mythbuntu 9.10
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Mythbuntu 9.10 telah dirilis, Mythbuntu adalah distribusi khusus untuk sistem home theater yang mengawinkan ubuntu dengan MythTV :
Mythbuntu is built upon the base of Ubuntu and thus has all the features of Ubuntu. Features: Mythbuntu Control Centre – used to modify settings on a Mythbuntu system that are not necessarily MythTV specific; Mythbuntu Log Grabber – grabs specific log files into a single area and can upload them to pastebin for easy troubleshooting; partitioner creates one large partition (ext4); auto-builds are now easily enabled/disabled via an installable package; MythTV 0.22.0-zrc1 included; MythTV backend now uses upstart, this allows automatic restarting of the backend in the event of a failure. New features in MythTV 0.22: MythUI support allowing fancier themes; support for VDPAU; MythVideo storage groups….
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Unduh (MD5):
Via Torrent
- mythbuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso (576MB)
- mythbuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso (594MB)