Rilis m0n0wall 1.33 Beta 1
• 1 • 146
Manuel Kasper mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis beta pertama m0n0wall 1.33, sistem operasi mini berbasis FreeBSD yang mengkhususkan diri untuk penggunaan sebagai firewall:
m0n0wall 1.33b1 released. This beta version further improves IPv6 support (DHCP-PD, AICCU), adds user-customizable captive portal logout/status pages, fixes many small bugs and XSS vulnerabilities and contains updates for ipfilter and the Realtek driver as well as other small improvements. Changelog: updated ipfilter to 4.1.33; inbound NAT rules can now be added on the LAN interface with the WAN address as a target; replaced if_re driver by Realtek customized version to support RTL8111C (among others); IPv6 improvements; added support for user-customizable captive portal logout and status page, as well as a password change option for local CP users; added ‘Bind to LAN’ option for syslog, so you can syslog over a VPN tunnel….
Anda dapat melihat halaman versi beta untuk changlog.
- cdrom-1.33b1.iso (17.7MB, SHA256)