Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Lunar Linux 1.6.5

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Stefan Wold mengumumkan rilis satu set image CD instalasi Lunar Linux, distribusi berbasis kode sumber:

Lunar LinuxThe Lunar team proudly announces the final release of Lunar Linux 1.6.5. The last known issues with the ISO image have been resolved. We added support for hybrid ISO images in the last minute, which means that it’s a lot easier to install it from a USB stick. New features in 1.6.5: based on Linux kernel and glibc 2.11.2; hybrid ISO support; added support for the ext4 file system; added option to change preferred /etc/fstab style; UUID, LABEL or device name; OpenSSH and Screen are now part of the live CD to allow remote assistance during install. Summary of changes since 1.6.4: isolinux updated, all modules refreshed….

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