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Rilis Kororaa Linux 15 Beta

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Chris Smart mengumumkan rilis beta pertama Kororaa Linux 15, distribusi desktop berbasis Fedora dengan perbaikan distribusi desktop dengan perbaikan ramah pengguna siap untuk dites:

Kororaa LinuxKororaa 15 “Squirt” beta released. The first beta release of Kororaa 15 (code name ‘Squirt’) has hit the mirrors, and is available for download, in 32-bit and 64-bit flavours with KDE and GNOME. Updated to Fedora Remix 15, it comes with the usual Kororaa extras out of the box: third-party repositories such as RPMFusion, Google Chrome, VirtualBox, Adobe Flash, etc; full multimedia support (Flash installable via script on desktop). New features: updated Fedora Remix 15; customised GNOME 3.

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