Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis IPFire 2.9

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Michael Tremmer mengumumkan Rilis IPFire 2.9, distribusi Linux spesialis untuk firewall yang berfokus pada kemudahan setup dan keamanan tingkat tinggi:

IPFireAfter the last maintenance release in November 2010, the developers are proud to release a new version, 2.9. About 400 different changes were implemented in this build and there were about one hundred testers that have installed at least one of the beta versions. IPFire has got a new service that is called ‘fireinfo’. This can be enabled as an option and it sends anonymous information about the system to the project. We strongly recommend the users to enable this feature so that we can learn from the statistics that are collected. IPFire 2.9 is based on the latest Linux kernel which will be maintained by the kernel developers for several years. So all of the integrated patches will get into IPFire as well.

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