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Rilis Imagineos 20100628

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Flavio Pereira de Oliveira mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis publik pertama Imagineos, distribusi Live CD berbasis Slackware yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama GoblinX:

ImagineosIt is a great pleasure to announce the first release of Imagineos. Imagineos is born from GoblinX Linux following the same path started more than five years ago. This first version is based on Slackware 13.1 with more applications and features; however, it is a live CD created using linux-live scripts with few modifications. The Imagineos 20100628 X1 uses Xfce as the desktop environment. This is the first public release and even though it is based on Slackware stable it must be considered as a beta version. Some versions of major components of the system: Linux kernel 2.6.33 (with Zen kernel patch), Squashfs 20100119, Aufs 20100116, C compiler GCC 4.4.4, Binutils, GNU C Library glibc 2.11.1, X Window system updated (but not ‘bleeding edge’) packages from X.Org, Xfce 4.6.1.

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