Rilis Elive 1.9.60 (Unstable)
• 1 • 150
Versi pengembangan terbaru Elive, live CD yang menampilkan window manager Enlightment 17 yang sudah dikustomisasi dan dibangun diatas Debian stable telah dirilis:
The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the development version 1.9.60. We are very close to the next stable version of Elive 2.0. These are the last development versions coming so you are more than welcome to report bugs now. If you are an Elive translator this is the moment to finish all the remaining messages to be translated. Changes: an entirely different system rewritten for auto-launchers containing features which are more handy and less annoying, entirely configurable; Touchpad configurator added; added a new driver for CD-ROM drives needed to boot into live mode; misc bugs fixed, features added, and a few informative messages added; Linux kernel version 2.6.30.
Untuk informasi lebih detail, anda bisa membaca pengumuman rilis.
Unduh image live CD:
- elive_1.9.60_unstable.iso (687MB, MD5)