Rilis DoudouLinux 2011-11
• 1 • 160
DoudouLinux 2011-11, build pengembangan baru distribusi Linux berbasis Debian yang didesain untuk anak-anak telah dirilis dan siap untuk dites :
This development release is a bit late but it is finally out! This is our second build based on Debian ‘Squeeze’, the current stable release of Debian GNU/Linux. Therefore our development version is perfectly stable and you can safely try it! However it still requires a lot of work before being promoted as our new official release (expected for mid 2012) and there are small remaining issues, particularly regarding to installation and reboot/shutdown that may hang. The following improvements have been brought compared to 2011-08: new application PixFrogger; animated splash during system boot; auto-login can be activated by selecting only one activity in the activities menu; internal hard disks are now all mounted read-only at boot, which really prevents children from writing on them….
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- doudoulinux-2011-11-en.iso (964MB)