Rilis CrunchBang Linux 10 Alpha 1
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Philip Newborough mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis alpha pertama CrunchBang Linux 10. Distribusi ringan yang menyajikan desktop Openbox dan XFCE. CrunchBang saat ini berbasis Debian GNU/Linux dan bukan Ubuntu.
Kutipan dari pengumuman rilis :
The first alpha release of CrunchBang 10 is now available. Code-named ‘Statler’, this release is, for the first time, built using Debian sources. The alpha 1 is available to download in two main flavours, those being Openbox and Xfce. Both the Openbox and Xfce editions currently feature the same line-up of applications and the new Xfce edition has had its session set-up to mimic that of previous CrunchBang Openbox sessions.
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