Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis ClearOS 5.2

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ClearOS 5.2, distribusi berbasis CentOS yang dibangun dengan tujuan sebagai server Linux open source untuk solusi gateway jaringan dan internet untuk UMKM dan lingkungan yang terdistribusi telah dirilis dan siap diunduh:

ClearOSThe primary ClearOS 5.2 changes include: Password policy engine to improve security; Detailed disk usage reporting to improve storage utilization; Network traffic analyzer tool to detect bandwidth challenges; Custom firewall tool to create advanced rules; H.323 support for VoIP systems; Improved support for Google Apps and Zarafa in LDAP Directory; A base system updated to CentOS 5.5. As usual, please consult the Release Notes for specific upgrade information regarding your ClearOS version. ClearOS 5.x supports upgrades from ClarkConnect 4.x and later. Upgrades from earlier versions (or systems originally installed with an earlier version) are not supported.

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