Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Chakra GNU/Linux 0.3 RC1

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Kandidat rilis pertama Chakra GNU/Linux 0.3, sebuah distribusi desktop berbasis Arch dengan KDE siap untuk dites:

Chakra GNU/LinuxThe Chakra development team is proud to announce our first release candidate of ‘Ashoc’. This image is for finding any quirks we might have created due the KDE update to 4.5 series in stable. Please test multi-user creation, with all the new features we added. Also, the Marble page got a new style and is translated to German, Catalan and Spanish. The partition page got enhanced so it will be easier for newcomers to get Chakra GNU/Linux installed. Good news about CCR, our community repository: you can find now over 363 packages added by our users. Some of those already found their way into our binary repositories.

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