Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Alpine Linux 2.1.0

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Jeff Bilyk mengumumkan rilis Alpine Linux 2.1.0, distribusi yang didesain untuk router, firewall, VPNs, box VOIP dan server berbasis x86:

Alpine LinuxAlpine Linux 2.1.x brings several new features: Linux kernel 2.6.35.x kernel, GCC 4.5, Perl 5.12, Asterisk 1.8, PostgreSQL 9.0, Dovecot 2.0; PHP/Apache 2 support; initial support for udev as alternative to BusyBox mdev; X.Org Server 1.9 (with udev and hotplug support); GTK+ 2.22; Kamailio 3.1. Some of the minor fixes include: ping as normal user works; the package alpine-base ships /etc/alpine-release; ‘lbu package -‘ should work even if there are pre/post scripts to lbu; less verbose Alpine init, only show error if any; no info message about not starting mounting modloop; encrypted apkovls should work again.

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