Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

grml 2009.10 dirilis

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Michael Prokop mengumumkan rilis grml 2009.10, distribusi LiveCD berbasis Debian ini menyajikan kumpulan piranti lunak GNU/Linux terutama yang sering digunakan administrator sistem dan pengguna tool teks.

The new stable version 2009.10 was just released. New features: ‘vesamenu’ bootsplash – provides an easy-to-use boot selection menu; the ISO can be installed to a device directly using dd; integration of Etherboot/gPXE; integration of GRUB; boot option ‘nostartx’ – if using startx as default boot option the bootoption ‘nostartx’ disables automatic startup of X; boot option ‘ethdevice’ – use specified network device for network booting (PXE) instead of default; boot option ‘netscript’ – use this parameter to download and run a script from a specific location….

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