Download Tiny Core Linux 4.1
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Robert Shingledecker telah merilis Tiny Core Linux 4.1, distribusi Linux mini yang menampilkan flwm window manager dengan manajemen paket kustom dan ultiliti konfigurasi:
Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core and Micro Core 4.1. Change log: updated pcmciautils 018, sudo 1.7.7, FreeType 2.4.7, imlib2 1.4.5, libpng 1.2.46, BusyBox 1.19.3; updated tc-config new boot code pretce for raid and LVM support; updated tc-config dropped default TZ=UTC as such default (UTC) is embedded with no need to set TCZ; updated tc-config for better detection of /dev/rtc and handling of loadcpufreq; updated tc-config for microcore without X; updated tce-setdrive improved error handling; updated tc-terminal-server for new kernel; updated ab, fixed OnDemand bug; updated mnttool, added -g option for user defined initial position when used in .xsession….
Anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis untuk detail changelog teknis.
- tinycore_4.1.iso (11.5MB, MD5)
- multicore_4.1.iso (47.0MB, MD5)