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Download siduction 11.1

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Ferdinand Thommes mengumumkan rilis siduction 11.1, distribusi desktop dalam bentuk Live CD/DVD berbasis Debian cabang “unstable” yang merupakan fork dari aptosid:

siductionWe are excited to present to you, after last week”s release candidate, the first final release of siduction, a new distribution based on our great mother Debian”s “Unstable” branch and forked from aptosid. This first release ships three desktop environments – KDE SC, Xfce and LXDE, all three in 32-bit and 64-bit editions. The released images represent a snapshot of Debian “Sid” from 2011-12-30, improved with a few useful packages and scripts, an installer, and our own, patched version of kernel 3.1-6 and X.Org server

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