Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Download IPCop 2.0.2

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Update perbaikan terhadap bug IPCop, distribusi Linux spesialis untuk firewall yang didesain utamanya untuk pengguna rumahan dan UMKM:

IPCop FirewallIPCop 2.0.2 is released. Version 2.0.2 can be installed using the installation images or as an update from version 2.0.1. You need to reboot to use the new kernel after upgrading to 2.0.2. In addition to a few updates to software used in IPCop, version 2.0.2 fixes creating CA certificate which did not correctly work in 2.0.1. Noteworthy: the GUI uses 8443 instead of 445; SSH uses 8022 instead of 222; access to IPCop and to the Internet from internal networks (aka Green, Blue, Orange) is very much different – spend some time with the various options you will find under ‘Firewall Settings’ and the online admin manual; several translations are complete, other languages are work in progress; backups from 1.4 series can not be used; add-ons made for the 1.4 series will not work.

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