Download FreeBSD 9.0-RC2
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Ken Smith mengumumkan ketersediaan kandidat rilis kedua FreeBSD 9.0:
The second of the release candidate builds for the 9.0-RELEASE release cycle is now available. According to the FreeBSD 9.0 release engineering page, this will be followed by one more release candidate before the final build which is currently scheduled for 7 December. The release announcement has more details, plus important notes on upgrading from previous a version: The FreeBSD kernel, which previously could appear in either /boot/kernel or /boot/GENERIC, now only appears as /boot/kernel. As a result, any kernel appearing in /boot/GENERIC will be deleted. Please carefully read the output printed by freebsd-update and confirm that an updated kernel will be placed into /boot/kernel before proceeding beyond this point.
Unduh image ISO instalasi x86 dan amd64 dari:
- FreeBSD-9.0-RC2-i386-dvd1.iso (502MB, SHA256)
- FreeBSD-9.0-RC2-amd64-dvd1.iso (502MB, SHA256)