Distribution Release: Calculate Linux 11.3
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Alexander Tratsevskiy mengumumkan rilis Calculate Linux 11.3, distribusi berbasis Gentoo untuk desktop dan server:
The new version of the Calculate Linux 11.3 distribution has been released. All editions of distribution are available for download: Calculate Linux Desktop with desktop KDE (CLD), GNOME (CLDG) and Xfce (CLDX), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Directory Server (CDS) and Calculate Scratch Server (CSS). Major changes: updated KDE 4.6.1 and GNOME 2.32 desktop environments; includes LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice.org; improved integration of GTK+ applications in KDE; full removal of the HAL package; support for installation on /dev/cciss device (HP servers); added support for Samsung printers; fixed installation on USB hard disks.
Anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis untuk informasi lebih detail mengenai rilis ini.
- cld-11.3-i686.iso (1,647MB, MD5, torrent)
- cldg-11.3-i686.iso (1,359MB, MD5, torrent)
- cld-11.3-x86_64.iso (1,854MB, MD5, torrent)
- cldg-11.3-x86_64.iso (1,561MB, MD5, torrent)